Holy Spirit Rain On Us

The Holy Spirit is the only One who can change a heart. No amount of anger, peer pressure, prayer requests, emotional punishment, shunning or public shaming can change even one thing about the inward person or their destructive behavior. This is why it is NOT our job or responsibility as Believers to go about "setting people straight" or helping them "get their act together". Is it really an act we want? Is that what God wants for any of us?? I think not.
So what to do when a Brother or Sister walks away or is not living according to the way we think they should? The answer is simple, yet one of the hardest things to do. Our job is to:
- Pray about the situation, placing the other person in God's hands. - Be Kind & Respectful to all. - Focus on areas of growth needed in your own life. - Admit Responsibility for your part in the problem. - Keep moving forward in the calling Heaven gave you. - Trust God has some WONDERFUL opportunity waiting for you just around the corner. (He always does!)
Is this a magic formula to get what you want from the other person? Will God perform a miracle to "fix things" just for you?? Likely not. Sometimes we must accept people and circumstances for what they are. We can rise with dignity and go on in faith. Taking these steps is how to ensure your own heart is right before God.